Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Things I Would Have Never Thought I'd Miss: Parts 1 & 2

Part 1: The United States Postal Service

Yes, it is quite hard to believe, but I miss the US Postal Service. It isn't just that I've seen the bicycle-riding NZ Post workers go over a curb and drop mail out of their saddlebags, or that we had to pay $20 to forward our mail to our new address for 2 months! And it isn't the fact that we get a continuous stream of our neighbors mail. No, it is mainly the general lack of caring with regards to if we get our mail, if the mail we send gets where it is going, and...OK I LIED, it is the $20 for forwarding our mail!!! So USPS, I, Jennifer Haeger, salute you for being kind, courteous, reliable, un-price-gouging, and amazingly responsible...comparatively. ;)

Part 2: Windows that Close

I know that this seems a strange thing to be missing, but here's the deal. We have an ant problem. This ant problem is mainly due to the fact that almost every window in the house has a gap in it when it is "closed" that the ants can easily get through. This also makes it even chillier it the winter as well, when the wind just whistles through these little gaps in the window sill. Again, something that I would never dream that I would miss about good the ole' USA. And no, they don't have Borax here either! So just everyone take a moment to appreciate your properly closed and sealed American windows.

:) Jen

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