Sunday, November 1, 2009

More Holiday Party Pictures

Here are some more pictures from our holidays party. They are in completely reverse order and I am too tired to fix them.

Jose is NOT catwoman, she is in fact an LOL cat with the caption: Drunk ketty lykz gin (or something similar).

The paper hats are all from these really cheap Christmas crackers (poppers if you are from US) we had. They also contained little plastic toys and terrible jokes.

Tony went as a 5 or 6 year old. Please notice penguin footy pajamas and stuffed penguin.

Stephan went as a crazy, psycho, cowboy.

And Jenny went as Captain Hammer.

Tony won first prize in the costume contest with Jenny taking second and Stephan taking third. Sadly, the LOL kettin was too late for the contest.

There was also a gift exchange with highlights including a volcano making kit and bath crayons.

It was a beautiful day and I hope that everyone that came had a good time! Thank you to all who came and ate all the food that Scott cooked! :) Jen

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