Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jen's First Quarter Marathon (10k)

I look a bit deranged in this picture, but to be fair I didn't get much sleep the night before (due to us having to spend the night in town and Halloween being apparently one of the largest party nights of the year) and only had a king-sized Twix bar for breakfast (due to the fact that I'm a dummy and didn't realize NOTHING would be open in Auckland at 6:00am to sell me food).
There were so many people that it took me a full 2 minutes after the official start of the race to get to the actual starting line.
We ran directly into the rising sun. Half the time I couldn't see where I was going.
I started my sprint a little late owing to the fact that I couldn't actually see where the finish line was, but I think that I caught the pack in front of me at the last second. Scott was actually lucky to get this shot as I had told him to look for me a bit before 1 hour 30 minutes and this is at 1 hour 12 minutes. He didn't even see me coming but heard them announce my name. If you are terribly keen, you can view my official results, but let's just say that I am a very average runner! ;)

After the race.
I don't know how the half-marathon and marathoners do it. I'm still exhausted and sore!


P.S. World Run Day is November 8th, so all you closet runners should get registered and get your shoes out! It is for charity. :)

1 comment:

Melissa Nelson said...

Congratulations Jen!!! :) Don't forget to EAT the banana...