Thursday, February 26, 2009

We Will No Longer be Homeless (as of March 1)

That's right, we signed a lease yesterday!

It is for a little 3 bedroom job about 20 minutes by bus from the university in Waterview:

View Larger Map

We didn't bring the camera when we looked at the place, so no pictures until next week.

Now we get to try to find furniture and appliances.

Interesting things about looking for housing in New Zealand:
  1. "Unfurnished" may mean "no appliances", which is why we have to find a refrigerator and a washer/dryer combo.
  2. Houses in the Auckland area typically do not have central heating or central air conditioning. We have a fire place that we will be using to heat the place come winter (and the cats)
  3. Off to lunch now. This afternoon/evening we'll try to get a post up regarding the various pubs we have visited and the beer that was consumed there (by request!).



relysh said...

no central heat! well, it was the same way when i visited japan, and i dunno if they have similar things there, but i can reccomend:

a Kotatsu: (very expensive but HAWESOME.

or a heated rug, which i cant find a great one online at the moment, but i did find one you put under a rug:

anyway - CONGRATS! that's great that you guys got a lease!! :D good luck finding your appliances!

Unknown said...

I'll want a mailing address once you move in. Just in case I can get my GoogleEarth/Epee application to work.

Also, you guys should label each post with who's writing it. Sometimes it's easy to tell, sometimes it doesn't matter either way. But other times...

Scott said...

Sheryl -

We will be purchasing an electric blanket for Jen.

Bill -

I'll email out our mailing address in a bit. As for the "who wrote this" question, look at the bottom of each post where it says "posted by Jen" or "posted by Scott" :)