Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's That Bright Orb in the Sky?...Ahhhh, it burns us!

So, it has been quite the whirlwind past few days with my orientation and Scott's fervent housing search. The housing issue is mainly that cats are not allowed within the city centre or in any apartments really, so we have been banished to houses in the suburbs around 20 minutes away by bus. We think that we have found a house to rent that is doable, but we are waiting to hear back on some concerns. Pictures will follow shortly as soon as we find a place.

Today's title is inspired by the fact that I think that I've sunburned my eyes. They are very red and painful and tearful and occasionally mucus-filled. I actually went to the Student Health Center to be told that it was likely due to my contacts that I wore for 5 hours the previous night...hmmmm. They did give me antibiotic drops, but no anti-inflammatory, so still very painful. I am also sunburned badly on my face and peeling everywhere. I have purchased strong facial sunscreen now.

In other news, we have gotten a lot of questions regarding the layover in Tahiti (French Polynesia). The island from the sky was beautiful and the airport was actually very quaint and complete with natives handing out little, white, fragrant flowers and playing traditional instruments as we entered. It was stifling hot and humid and we only spent about 30 or 40 minutes inside before replaning. I almost purchased a sarong, but didn't want to have to exchange money.

Now on to orientation and the University of Auckland (U of A). Briefly, the campus is pretty tiny in comparison to U of M or MSU, but has a mixture of new, shiny and old, beautiful buildings. There are several hundred international students and 50,000 students total. During orientation I spent a lot of time standing and walking around in the sun, as the weather has been mainly gorgeous. We have met a ton of other international students through various activities, but if you would care to take a guess which country is overrepresented, I bet you would be wrong (Answer to follow). I met one of my professors and found out that there are 20 students in my program, and that we don't yet have a room designated for our classes, but he promised to e-mail me when we do.

Everyone has been very nice and very helpful and I am not the only older student by a long shot, so I don't feel like an outcast. I have had a lot of fun with student activities like a Treasure Hunt around the city (lots of walking on a very hot, sunny day) capped off with a trip to Shadows, the campus pub, and Quiz Night capped off with a trip to another local pub. But tomorrow night is actually pub night, and I hope to win a prize for most creative USA costume by dressing up like Elly May Clampet from the Beverly Hillbillies.

OK, so has everyone formulated their guesses as to which nationality is overrepresented at the U of A? Germany. And here's why. Apparently Germany and NZ have some special deal, where it is quite cheap and easy for German students to study here. Here is a quick illustration: Germans met so far = Sarah, Iris, Alena, Julia, Pia, Stephan, Christoph, Marcus, Sven, Bea, Ina, Sonja ; China = David and Chrissy ; USA = Cassie, Katie, Tony, Lizzie ; England/Wales/etc. = Chris, Jenny ; France = Melanie and Geranette ; Malaysia = Darny and Loh ; Canada = Carrie ; Ghana = Noble.

Time for eye drops,


Unknown said...

Hey! You listed three trips to three pubs and you didn't talk about the beer! Don't make me beg, Jen.

Scott said...

A beer/pub entry will be forthcoming shortly.