Friday, December 10, 2010

Australia, Part 0

So we know that you probably want to hear about our trip to Australia and our adventures on Mt. Koskiuszko. Instead, this post is about a day trip Jen and I took to the Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve.

The plan was to bus hop over to the east side of Auckland, where the park is located, and spend the day poking around seeing what was to be seen. Being seasoned users of Auckland public transit, we dutifully found a set of buses we could use that would take about an hour to get to the park.

Of course, since this is us, things rarely go as planned: through a combination of missing buses, walking between bus stops, buses being canceled, and tertiary plans being enacted, we managed to make it to the park in 2.5 hours (a mere 1.5 hours longer than planned).

We grabbed a bite at a cafe near the end of the bus line and then headed over to the reserve on foot. It was a lovely little park, nearly devoid of annoying humans but full of interesting birds.

We walked along the beach and waded out into the warm and very shallow water. While sitting in the water, we got nibbled on by some tiny crabs and observed a fierce territory dispute between two of them played out over the course of several minutes.

This trip was also another excuse to bring out the KFK and his new friend the Kiwi Fruit Echidna.