Saturday, September 25, 2010

Christmas 2009 Part V?

Ahem...better late than never?...

First a video from around Christmas (not sure of the exact date). This is my nephew, Logan, and my niece, Reece, playing "Heart and Soul" accompanied by interpretive dancing by my niece, Riley.

[O.K. Sorry I lied. Video won't upload right now. I will try another time.]

OK, so I think that when I last left off, it was December 31st and I had just finished a wonderful visit with my old pals from high school, Lisa and Greg, and their wonderful family. Then it was off to the Emerson's for their famous New Year's Eve party. Usually I am sick as a dog whenever this event rolls around, but fortunately, this year I was in rare healthy form.
Slowly the house filled with dear friends.
When most of the guests had arrived Bill decided to bring everyone's attention to a notebook that he and Joelle had found while cleaning, the ownership of which was in some question...Why does Becky look so embarrassed?

Oh, O.K., so the ownership of the notebook wasn't in that much question. Which version did Becky decide on after the wedding? ;)

Kate received "Taboo" for Christmas and we all got to enjoy playing a few rounds.

The clues were excellent. For example, "A skill that a Rogue would take!" - "Pickpocket?!" - "Correct!"

Sadly due to the aforementioned Taboo, I missed many of the traditional vodka shots off a saber.
Except for James and Becky. Who are pro's by the way.
Erin trying to shy away from Janelle.
That's better.
The camera is just a moment too late to capture BJ shooting his wife with a Nerf weapon. Sad.
Janelle and Ryan had to get home to take care of the doggies.
Jackson, the Christmas cat!

Me in my New Year's bling calling Scott in NZ.
He was out partying, so I had to leave a message.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2010! Although we almost forgot to sing Auld Lang Syne as I recall.
A New Year's kiss for Scott preserved on film.
The weary hosts. "Is it over yet?"
Becky and BJ finally recounted the finale of their epic canyoneering story.

James and Carolyn. Best pose.
Jess's henna. She and Gabe had just returned from a wedding in India.
Champaigne bottle plus sword casualty.
New Year's Day Brunch at Zingerman's = heaven!
New Year's Day Arkham Horror and Bowl watching party at the B's = bliss!
Is Ryan mooning the camera here? I don't remember that.
Janelle has a wee hat!
BJ did not manage to avoid being in this photo.
Gabe and his brother.
Carrie and Joe.
I taught everyone how to make a finger muppet.

Lots of finger muppet photos!
We also found out what noise everyone's noses make when pushed. I love my friends!
Very sad long goodbyes. :(

On January 2nd it was off to Jess and Brian's in Centerline, MI for a nice dinner out and to watch the Michigan State Spartans play in the Alamo Bowl.Dinner was wonderful although Jess and Brian were appalled to discover that they matched.
Their Christmas tree was an awesome display of geekiness with Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, etc. ornaments. Many of which were automated with sound effects!

They further proved their geek status by deeding Brian's father an asteroid for Christmas.
Those who've read Douglas Adams will appreciate.

We also played a super fun game called Quelf.
This game involved such things as the "Weeping Willow" dance.

And let us not forget "Sr. Sock"!

Brian and kitties and gorgeous Don Quixote picture.
Jessica's aunt actually painted the picture behind us.

I spent the night at Jess and Brian's and they were most gracious hosts. Sadly MSU lost the Alamo Bowl, but at least Quelf was a riot. On January 3rd, it was back to my folks house for a little R&R before spending the night at my sister's with my nieces and nephews.
Me and Cody chillin' on the couch.

The channel wasn't frozen over.

Logan and Riley.
I took Logan and Reece out to see The Chipmunks II (which was really quite good) and we had a small snack at the food court and played a few arcade games. Reece is a brutal air hockey player!
When we got back, we played in the snow and I was able to pull Logan, Reece, and Riley around in their new sleds...for a while. Man I was out of shape!

Benjamin. Is either sad to see Aunt Jenny go or really tired.

A sneaky goodbye photo from Corey and Steve.
Goodbye! :(

The next morning I had to get up really early to get fingerprinted and finish up some NZ Visa paperwork before heading back to Auckland.

Hours traveled by Vue = approximately 25.
Hours spent with family and friends = not enough.
Getting to be home for the holidays = Priceless.

:) Jen

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