Monday, August 31, 2009

Scott's Super Secret Birthday Adventure!

Hey Everybody!

Sorry this post is long overdue, but I think you can appreciate that it took me a wee bit of time to load the photos. Anyways, for Scott's Birthday we went to a place called TreeAdventure with our friends Chris (in grey), Stephan (in blue), and Tony (in yellow). It was way cool, but a bit scary. These are only photos from the second to last course which was the highest and most difficult. Stephan took the photos for us because he elected not to pay the extra cash for the extra thrill. I'm not sure that wasn't the best idea! ;)

That speck of blue up there is Scott.

I could barely leap between these lillipads!

This apparatus was no fun at all! :(

The Tarzan Swing. Think "rope swing", Mom! ;)

This shot gives you a pretty good idea of height.

This bridge was looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggg!

Zip line to the bottom. Wheeeeeee! Wait, how do I stop?

Yay we lived! Hopefully soon we will have pictures to share from our Waiheke Island weekend.

Until then,
Jen (& Scott)