Wednesday, July 8, 2009

R.I.P. Yeti Haeger Circa 1998 - July 7, 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

I am very sad to have to tell you that Yeti died suddenly the other night. He apparently had undiagnosed heart disease (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) and his heart just gave out. He was such a good boy. Hardly ever got into trouble. Never asked for much. Many of you know, he had been diagnosed with cancer (multiple myeloma) back in August, but had been doing quite well on chemotherapy. I am already missing my big guy, my kitchen buddy very, very much. Rest in Peace Mighty Yetite. Mama loves you very much. Goodbye.



relysh said...

Dear Yetite,

I will never forget the first time you tenuously creeped out of the bedroom to see what was going on. surely we all couldn't have been as bad as you imagined, and after several weeks of keeping your distance, you finally decided to grace us with your presence. and what a presence it was! A stern face with loving eyes and impossibly big paws, it was hard not to love you.

you will be missed by many. my thoughts are with your loving servants..i mean, jen and scott, and crunchypants :(

peace be with you buddy,

Unknown said...

I'm sorry for your loss guys. Yeti was just a good cat. One to be missed.

-Bill E.

Gabriel said...

I'm sorry to hear that, guys. I will mourn his (greater) absence in my life, and scarf a cheezburger in his honor.


BJ said...

Oh no.....

I'm so sorry. He was such a sweet cat.

CarrieP said...

Very touching tribute. Yeti was a great cat, and will be missed.

relysh said...

Bradyz, I love this idea. Let's all take pictures of us toasting the mighty Yetite with cheezburgers. A great "To Yeti!" will ring across the world.

I'll do the Ohio bit. It'll have to be Monday, though.