Thursday, June 4, 2009


Last night, right at dusk, a very nice man rang our doorbell with a delivery of firewood for which we have been waiting many weeks. Actually we have only been waiting a week and a half for this order, but there was an order with another firewood company before that that disappeared into the ether and never got filled.

In case you were ever wondering "exactly how much is 2.4 cubic metres of wood?", the answer is "a lot!". It took us about 2 hours to move it all into the shed by hand, in the dark, uphill both ways in the snow, while being attacked by wild, rabid, ninja kiwis (the bird, not the people). The shed is now officially a wood shed, instead of a "not really sure what to do with it, but let's put our rake, shovel, and barbecue in there so it doesn't feel useless" shed.

We tried to get the cats to help, but the feline union held firm on its stance that manual labor is beneath its members, even if we fashioned a little sledge out of bamboo for them.

It is kind of hard to tell in the pictures, but the wood is stacked waist high, three layers deep in the back of the shed. The stuff that looks like firewood is pine, the stuff that looks like lumber is gum (aka eucalyptus).

We tried out the firewood in our fireplace last night and it worked OK, though it was still a little damp. Hazzah! Warmth!

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