Saturday, May 2, 2009

Small Update

We're still alive. And still in New Zealand.

Sorry we haven't been able to wow you all with awesome pictures of awesomeness from the other side of the world, but we've not had a chance to do any of the weekend trips we were planning on taking. Jen has been working pretty much non-stop since a week before Easter.

We are big fans of all of her professors right now, as I am sure you can imagine. However, it sounds like some of her professors like her: she got an A+ on her first paper, which was on determining the age of biological stains. She has not yet gotten any other grades back, but apparently she very much impressed her stats professor by doing a street survey of people and the hats they wore (the assignment dealt with eye-witness reports and statistical analysis). Her assignment got cited by several of her fellow students in their assignments.

This evening we spent playing Monopoly: New Zealand Edition and fought with the fire place trying to keep a fire going. Turns out it is too small to just pile a bunch of wood and let it burn, it needs futzing every 10 minutes or so.

Time for bed now, we are going to be getting up tomorrow morning and Skyping in to Becky's Kentucky Derby party. 10 a.m. Sunday here is 6 p.m. Saturday, so we can sleep in a bit and still make post time!

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