Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Bestest Friends in the World!

Scott and I are lucky and blessed with the "bestest" friends in the world as evidenced by the following gifts that we have recently received.

Exhibit A:

This shirt was sent to us by Bill and Joey Emerson. It is possibly the saddest, most awesome shirt ever. The back has signatures and comments/well wishes from a number of friends and fencers. It also has the autograph of Jonathan Coulton (i.e the singer of Code Monkey) from his gig in Ann Arbor that Scott and I just missed seeing before we moved.

Exhibit B:

This is a "Chicken Chucker". It is a toy gun that catapults tiny rubber chickens. It is possibly the most hilarious, awesome toy I have ever gotten a chance to play with. It was given to us by Jennifer Ohea, a wonderful new friend from England, whom we met through the University of Auckland's International Student Organization.

Exhibit C:

This is the KFK with a napkin peacock tail being attacked by the tiny rubber chickens. In case you didn't know it, the KiwiFruitKiwi was given to us by our friends Gabe and Jess. It is possibly the cleverest, cutest fruit-inspired gift ever.

Who could ask for better friends?
Thank you all!

Jen (and Scott)

P.S. Here is the gift that I got for Scott (my best friend) for our second anniversary. The traditional gift in Cotton.

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