Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Post Nuptials

Hey, everyone, it is me, Jen, so expect future entries to be less witty. They will also be shorter and less frequent since tomorrow a.m. we leave the conveniences of the city and may not have regular internet access. Plus, we are doing a lot of scheduled activities which may leave us a bit short on "blog-time".

Since we last posted, we spent most of Tuesday sleeping and recovering, but also went to the International Antarctic Center where we saw handicapped Little Blue Penguins and got to ride around in a Haggland (an all-terrain, amphibian Antarctic vehicle) driven by a crazy man named Shaun. We had dinner at a neat place called the Tap Room where Scott had green-lipped mussels and really good Monteith's beer, and I had kangaroo and a Kiwi daiquiri. We walked around a lot after that looking for the Christchurch casino which sadly had no poker on Tuesdays. I still walked away $5.00NZ richer though from some boring slots.

Wednesday: We went on an all day tour to where they filmed Edoras, Rohan for the Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers. Now, I know that most of you are now scratching your heads a bit because I told you all that that was where we were getting married. I lied. Or rather, I was under some false presumptions. Anyway, it matters not at all. Point is, we went there.

As I said, we leave tomorrow for Dunedin, which is south of Christchurch along the east coast of NZ. On the way, we will stop at Omauru to see some normal Little Blue Penguins on a behind the scenes tour.

Here are some more wedding pictures and some pictures from the last 2 days.

At Edoras:

At the International Antarctic Center:

In Christchurch:
More wedding photos:


Becky said...

Nice mugs.

BJ said...

That's what she said!

Carrie P said...

You're plenty witty, Jen! Don't sell yourself short.

I am concerned that your helicopter pilot has his eyes closed, though...