Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Been there, done that, got the (free!) t-shirt

Yesterday we went bungy jumping. Both of us survived intact, and we did, actually get a free t-shirt. We got a DVD with both of our jumps on it, but I do not know how to get video off of a DVD for uploading somewhere like YouTube so that you can all see it. You will all have to wait until we get back to see us screaming in abject terror during the several seconds of free fall. It was great.

After the jump we went to the local endangered wild bird sanctuary and got to see a bunch of local species that have not been doing so well since the stupid Europeans brought their rats, ferrets, and stoats to NZ. We got to see a couple of frisky kiwis, some cheeky keas (a large parrot, about the size of a duck) and the enormous native pigeon, which looks like a Thanksgiving turkey with a wee pigeon head.

After dinner at an Italian place with a cat obsession, we went to the mini golf place up the road, which had a whole bunch of really complicated and elaborate models to play around. It was one of the harder putt-putt courses I have played: final score was Scott 91, Jen 94 (92 if we had enforced the 10 stroke limit per hole).

We have to pack up now and head to Fox Glacier, which will be a 4-5 hour drive. Perhaps when we get there I'll have time to upload some pictures of the birds and the mini golf place.

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