Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Vacation MI: Part II

Christmas Eve morning sights and sounds of the Favre Farm.

Christmas Eve found me racing back to Grosse Ile to have dinner at my folks house with my sister and her husband, my nieces and nephews, and my sister's husbands parents before driving my sister and the kids home and spending the night at Corey and Steve's house. Candid shot of Logan and Corey.
Grandma Jeanie and Reece, Lara, and Logan.
Mom and Corey.
Mom and me.Mom and me.
Steve and Riley.Momo and Corey.Momo and Corey.Cowgirl Riley and her faithful pig, Pinky.Ridem' Cowgirl!Yeehaw!Oops, lost her hat.Back on the piggy!She's so fast, she's a blur!Getting ready for the performance.Everybody in position!Riley's ready.Everyone's ready.Wow! What an entrance!Dancing time!

Momo joins in the dance!

I had to fill in for Steve since he was working until 3:30am. On the way home we detoured a bit to look at Christmas lights (one of my favorite holiday activities). Once at my sister's I got to open my presents from Corey, Steve, and the kids which included a framed picture of my nieces and nephews, some lovely holiday jewelry, and a pair of wonderful red and black polka-dot socks and a pair of light-up Christmas socks. We also played a little Wii Extreme Sports Challenge and watched both versions of How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carey and Dr. Suess). Present #1.
Who wrapped this?Aunt Jenny getting a little help.Almost got it now.Ahah!What could it be?It's a picture of all my nieces and nephews!Extreme close-up on Lara!Reece and Riley.Extreme close-up on Jake!Woah!Better.Lara, Riley, Reece.Aunt Jenny and Jake.Who has the camera?Oh, Logan does.Lovely.
Extreme close-up Riley.Corey.
My seester!Blurry Benny!
Blurrier Benny!More blurry Benny.
Watercolor Corey.Extreme close-up Benny.
Aunt Jenny putting on her jewelry.More jewelry.
And a belt.Maybe a little to short.
Suck in that waist!Lara.
Extreme close-up Aunt Jenny.Extreme close-up Riley.
More Logan.Super blurry Ben.
More Corey.Aunt Jenny + jewelry.
Any more presents for Aunt Jenny under the tree?
Wii time.Yay! Not blurry!
Lara, Corey, Reece, and Jake.Riley, Logan, Lara, Corey, Reece, and Jake.

Then we all got settled in the boy's room to listen to Twas the Night Before Christmas and TRY to sleep. Needless to say, very little sleep was had that night, and Aunt Jenny had to put her foot down on the kid's 2:30am wake-up proposal. We ended up actually getting up at 6:00am instead under certain threats...Christmas morning!
Oh the chaos!
Reece opening presents.Logan directs present traffic.Lara opens a present.Riley opens a present.
Riley got a robe.Jake, Ben, Corey, and Lara.
Ben would rather watch T.V. then open his presents.Look at the mountains of presents!
Did we open them all?
Santa brought Logan a clarinet!Corey says, "Who's going to help clean up this mess?"
Corey opens some of her presents.Logan and his new clarinet.
He could already play some Christmas carols.Sorting through presents.
Looks like someone got what they wanted!Reece's pile 'o' presents.
New Wii games to try out.Steve vs. Jake.

I spent Christmas morning with Corey, Steve, and Logan, Reece, Lara, Jake, Riley, and Benjamin, then it was back to my parent's for Christmas Day with the rest of the extended family...

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