Sunday, January 31, 2010

Christmas Vacation MI: Part III

OK, so, after driving back to my parents and a quick nap and shower, I began Christmas proper with my extended family. This includes my uncles, aunts, cousins, second cousins and assorted significant others, etc. from my mother's side of the family. We hand out gifts to the children, have dinner, and then have a "white elephant" gift exchange amongst the adults. This year we also had a special prayer for my grandmother since it was the first family Christmas without her, and scratched off some instant lottery tickets in her honor.

Rain on Christmas is unacceptable!

The spread.
Mom and Corey in the kitchen.
Chris looks happy here.
Katy and Kelsey being sisters.
Frank and Carter match!
The gansta table.
More gangsta recruits!
I love this picture!
Or is it the pirate table? Argh!
Just missed Frank chasing Riley!
Chris doesn't like this picture because he has a mouth full of food.
The Scott Family.
The white elephant present pile.
Angie playing with Zoe and Riley.
Ron chooses a gift.
Uncle Neal's turn.
Aunt Barb gets a stocking full of goodies.
Uncle Danny must've gotten something good!
Katy, are you old enough for that gift?
Aerial view.
So artistic!
Just trying a different angle.
Yep, she's old enough! :)
I think Colleen got some kind of massager?
Vicki finally gets a gift.
A step ladder.
What did Aunt Michelle get?
Oh no! Vicki's step ladder was stolen!
She gets popcorn instead?
Nope! A decorative lamp.
Dad's first choice turned out to be towels and scratch-off lottery tickets, which I promptly stole. Unfortunately, karma got me and I didn't win a thing. We are using the towels though.
Scott picks the big box.
Angie's turn.
She gets a clock.
Dad's second gift.
Flashlights! You can never have too many!
Kelsey's turn. Decisions, decisions.
A gift basket.
Krysti gets monkey hooks!
I don't remember what Chris got. Maybe those cordless drills that have been making the rounds for a few years.
Jake was last!
Yet more flashlights!
Mom and her brothers.
Jake is always good for laugh.
The Haeger/Peer/Favre side of the family Scrabble board. Thank you Scott and Colleen!
Angie and Zoe.
We miss you grandma!
A little less blurry here.
A little more blurry.
Bad camera!
Ron let Riley type on his computer and she had a great time!
Katy, Kelsey, and Colleen just chillin' on the couch.
Sorry Core, bad shot.
Riley playing nice.
Momo gives her her corsage.
Look at that innocent face!
Mom and Uncle Danny.
Krysti and Jake.
That's better!
Conspiring on the couch.
Girl talk.
Aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. eventually starting leaving to get a hard start in the freezing rain. I am so glad that I got to be home for Christmas and see everyone!

Then it was time to visit with some old friends. Leif was in town from San Francisco, my friend Mel from vet school who I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro with was in town from South Carolina, and my other friend from vet school, Jason was in town from Georgia.
Leif is tired!
It's been too long!

A very busy, but wonderful Christmas 2009!