Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving in Auckland

From top left to middle right (top to bottom): Stuffing (made by Jen), Pumpkin Pie (Jen), Mashed Potatoes (made by Scott), Sauteed Garlic Spinach (Scott), Candied Golden Kumera (Scott), Cranberry Sauce (Store-bought), and "Turkey" Roast (Store-bought...yech!). Next year we will have to invite over many friends to justify a whole turkey.

We also had a olive and Scott's homemade pickles tray (left).

They have no canned pumpkin in NZ, so the pumpkin pie came from a real pumpkin...er, well, half a pumpkin anyway...

Homemade pumpkin pie filling made with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, eggs, sugar, cream, mashed cooked pumpkin...and love...
(I don't know why this picture is sideways...sorry about that.)

Just prior to baking!

My precious!!!...

Close up on the stuffing.

Store-bought "turkey" roast...so sad! :(

Happy Thanksgiving!
Jen (& Scott)

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