Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Zealand Wildlife Part 3

We got a rare treat today. We had the opportunity to see two specimens of the rare New Zealand Domestic Tiger:

OK, they aren't actually from New Zealand, which is why they have to spend 30 days in quarantine.

But they are tigers, at least that's what the big one said. Very fierce, with their purring and rubbing up against our legs. I was afraid for my life for most of the time we were in the enclosure with them.

OK, they aren't actually tigers either, but our very own orange tabbies, Crunch and Yeti, imported from the States.

Jen went and saw them right after they arrived from the airport and the kitties were, apparently, quite pleased to be in this fine country. And by "quite pleased", I of course mean really, really, unhappy.

They seemed in pretty good spirits today, though, and were very happy when we brought some cat toys to entertain them. They have a decent sized enclosure, approximately 10' x 20', but it is open to the elements (the top half of the walls are wire mesh), which we found very odd, and has a bare concrete floor. Apparently they don't have a lot of cats here that are indoor-only pets. Last night was very cold, it got down to about 40 degrees here, so we are concerned about the cats staying warm.

The plan was to purchase some cat bedding today and take it to them so that they would have some help in staying warm at night, but it is Good Friday, so nearly everything is closed. We managed to find a souvenir store that was open and bought a couple of sheep-skin rug type things for them.

We have approximately 28 days to get the house cat proofed, which is going to be interesting.


Unknown said...

It's so cute how you keep using the phrase "cat proof" like it is a somehow attainable goal.

Gabriel said...

So just after checking up on you guys, I come to find how Crunch and Yeti REALLY got into the country.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Scott said...

We thought of doing that, briefly, but Yeti would have eaten up a large portion of our luggage weight allowance, and we wanted to bring Arkham Horror.

Becky said...

Glad to see the kitties made it in one piece.

Melissa Nelson said...

YAY! I am sooo happy they made it there okay. Good luck!!!

larry szczepanik said...

hi jenny, larry from flushing, michigan. was on your team at one time. glad to see you are doing well and good luck in auckland. seems a like all you young kids get to see other parts of the world, and i'am glad you are enjoying it. i wish you well and good luck larry