Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A bit of New Zealand Wildlife

Hey Everyone,

Sorry about the long pause in posts and the lack of cool pictures. Have been totally swamped by assignments and distracted by the awesome Spartan run in the NCAA Tournament! Go State!
Kiwi Fruit Kiwi also enjoyed watching the Spartans win against UConn.

I have finally seen my first real live weta in our yard, but did not get a chance to take any pictures due to the running and screaming. Here are some pictures of other NZ wildlife that has graced us with its presence around our house.
This is a Kotare or Kingfisher.These are Tiger Slugs.
And these are thousands of ants pouring out of our wall when the carpenter was replacing a window. Ick!!! One good thing did come out of this horrific event though. The carpenter, Ian, found a New Zealand penny stuck in the old window frame. They do not make pennies here anymore so it is cool and somewhat valuable.

The cats should be arriving into quarantine today, so we will soon be very busy cat-proofing the house. Especially since we now have a new set of french doors out onto our deck. Well technically the doors are used (purchased from a junk yard by our landlord actually), but they are new to this house anyway. You can also she our lovely new shed in this picture.
Well, just wanted to catch up a bit and fulfill a request to post more pictures of us. We miss you!!
Jen and Scott

1 comment:

Melissa Nelson said...

So what on earth time of day did you have to watch the game anyway? And did you technically see it before or after us? Wait, that would HAVE to be after... Ok, it makes no sense.