Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cold Food Storage! But alas no internet...

Hey All,

Figured that it has been more than a week, so better just give a quick update about us not being dead or anything. We have been frantically working on our house and on filling it up with needed stuff like couches and a table and FINALLY a refrigerator! There is nothing like basking in the glow of cold food storage when you have gone for more than a week without it! The inaugural meal of perishable food was burgers, but last night it was Scott's signature minestrone, mmmmmmmm! We are nearing complete moved-in-ed-ness, which will be completely undone when the builders tear out our living room wall to put in french doors out to our brand new deck! This will wreak havoc, but we were lucky to have moved in before all the improvements, because the rent would undoubtedly have gone up after them. We are also dealing with a slight ant invasion at the moment despite are being extremely meticulous with garbage, food, and dishes...grumble...
My classes are starting to weigh heavily and I am currently struggling to keep my head above water and have just added a study group and a bunch of helpful seminars given by the Student Learning Center to the mix which will make my free time a bit limited in the near future, so it will likely be Scott posting for a while...providing we get internet access at home anytime soon! Another grumble...
Scott is going to fencing tonight for the first time at the Recreation Center on campus, so that should be interesting. I will be sure to tell him to give a full report on Kiwi's with swords.
Before I sign off for a bit, I do want to advertise that Earth Hour is coming up on Saturday, March 28th, at 8:30pm for anyone interested in loving the earth a bit. All it requires you to do is to shut off all lights and all possible electrical appliances (like the TV) for one hour (8:30pm to 9:30pm) to save a little energy and help sponsor awareness of global power consumption. This has been a public service announcement sponsored by Jen.

Jen (& Scott)

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