Thursday, January 29, 2009

Visas Are in the Mail (Part 2)

Jen got an email this morning from UPS indicating that the prepaid envelope, which we included with our visa applications, has been shipped. This could mean one of any of the following:
  1. Both of our visas were approved

  2. Only Jen's visa was approved

  3. Neither visa was approved

  4. The NZ consulate decided to send us some fascinating catalogs of NZ made goods to keep us busy while they dilly-dally over our applications

Needless to say, we are hoping for option 1 (though option 4 is a close second). Were options 2 or 3 to be be case, it would be very bad. Especially since we've already given our move-out notice and given/thrown away most of our worldly possessions (or pledged to do so) and paid some fairly large quantities of non refundable monies.

The envelope should be arriving today or tomorrow.

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