Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Pics from Rotorua

I don't have time for a detailed overview of what we did, unfortunately:

Sunday we flew from Christchurch to Rotorua, the most volcanically active area of NZ. That evening we went to Hell's Gate, a hot springs/mud spa:

On Monday we went and hiked through Waimangu Valley, which has a whole lot of geothermal activity. It was raining the entire time and we got quite soggy.

On Tuesday we went to Mt. Tarawera, which is one of the volcanoes which blew during the cataclysmic 1886 eruption in the Rotorua area. We drove most of the way up the mountain in a 4WD vehicle and then walked up to the rim of the crater, down a scree slide into the crater, and back out the other side.

That evening we went to a Maori cultural show/dinner thing called a hangi. The show was quite interesting and the food was very good. The lighting was poor, and there were a lot of other people there, so most of the photos did not turn out all that well. Here are a couple, though:


Carrie P said...

oh wow, it's so green and beautiful...

Jackwraith said...

Sweet warning sign, although I'd change the 'may be asked' to 'WILL be asked' because otherwise it's just another excuse for Americans to believe that the sign means everyone except them.