Friday, October 30, 2009

Cricket Tidbit

Apparently the Cricket season is upon us down here in Sunny New Zealand: this morning a bunch of kids showed up in the school yard across the street in white trousers and shirts and holding funny flat bats. Then they started playing this silly looking game involving wickets.

It's one of those things that really makes me feel like I'm living in New Zealand.

Now if only I could figure out the rules ....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

New House (exterior) and Sticky the Snail!

Hello All!

I'm very sorry that we have been so negligent on posting, but it has been a busy month. Although, it isn't like we left you hanging on tenterhooks in the middle of a canyoneering saga or anything...(inside joke).

Anyhoo, by request here are some photos of the new digs. Exterior only for now. Also included will be a shot of a poor snail, "Sticky", whom I accidentally trod upon on Saturday night and whose shell I crushed. He was still alive Sunday morning and I couldn't bear to leave him outside where he was being eaten alive by ants, so he now has a temporary terrarium on the kitchen windowsill. I thought he was not long for this world having consulted Wikipedia on the likelihood of sans-shell survival and being assured that snails do not live without shells, however, he seems to be making a good recovery.
Lots of windows, a lovely veranda, and a salon just behind us out of our neighbor's home. At first I was a bit put off, but then I found out that they do massage! A bit dangerous having massage available right there! ;)

Scott testing our shiny new manual lawnmower.
Not much of a lawn actually.You will notice we are across from a schoolyard instead of houses which is kinda nice.
We share a driveway with our behind-us neighbors.
A cute little porch leading up to the veranda gate which our bedroom windows overlook.
Here is the veranda gate and the front door.
View of the veranda from just inside the gate.
The veranda extends along the front and right side of the house.
Right side of the house. Window in back is office/spare bedroom.
Left side of the house. Notice more dirt than lawn here. And yep, that is our wash hanging out to dry.
The back alley of the house. Notice ability to touch neighbor's house from back steps. The kitchen window and the bathroom window are the only ones that face this way. We now have two shower curtains, one to keep the water in the shower/tub and one to block the neighbor's view of the shower/tub.

Sticky enjoying a bit of banana.