Saturday, December 27, 2008

We've Booked the Plane Tickets!!!

We just booked the plane tickets!

We are departing Detroit on 2/18, arriving in Auckland on 2/20. The cheapest fare was one with a layover in French Polynesia, which should be cool.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Tuition Paid!

On the way home from our various families' Christmases, we stopped by Jen's bank and wired a large sum of money to Auckland. Once we get a receipt from the U, Jen will have one more piece of the "Student Visa Application" puzzle.

We felt all high rollerish, what with our wiring money internationally. Ooh! :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Applying for a Student Visa

Jen is currently trying to navigate the treacherous waters of applying for a student visa. Apparently this entails fingerprinting, the FBI, her permanent record dating back to kindergarten, a full employment history, dental records, chest x-rays, rabies vaccination records, an essay (1000 words or less) titled "Why I Love New Zealand", and notarized affidavits from our cats regarding her fitness of character.*

Yay bureaucracy!

Jen's mood: Enraged, possibly homicidal.

* - only some of these are jokes, can you figure out which ones?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Letter of Acceptance

So, Jen just received an email from the University of Auckland indicating that she has been accepted into their Forensic Science Master's program.

Yup. We're going back!

New student orientation is the last week of February 2009, so we are probably moving in mid February.

We'll try to keep this blog up to date as we go through the process of moving across the world and living upside down.
