Sunday, April 5, 2009


We've been busy with not terribly interesting things around here, no great adventures to report. We had great plans to head up to Ninety Mile Beach over Easter weekend, but were foiled by trying to book things too late. No rental cars, and the cabins we were going to rent were already taken.

It turns out that was not so bad, as Jen is currently buried under about half a dozen assignments that are due shortly after her mid-semester "break", and so would have had to bring the laptop to work while on the trip.

We had a house-warming BBQ last weekend, which went quite well. There was a small amount of adventure in finding actual bratwurst to cook, but I managed to find some in a butcher shop down near a grocery store that we frequent. The BBQ chicken was the highlight of the menu, with the family BBQ sauce recipe now disseminated to both Germany and the UK.

Additionally, I accompanied the UA Fencing club to a tournament in Otahuhu. There was a good turnout: 25 foils, 19 epees, and about 6 sabres. I only fenced epee, but did well, placing 3rd.

We're having a couple of people over to watch a basketball game of some importance that is apparently going to occur tomorrow.

Go Green!

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