Sunday, March 8, 2009

Adventures in Cooking Upsidedown

So, as Jen mentions below, last night I tried to make minestrone. We headed to the local food stores (went to a separate store for veggies, which was had a good selection of locally grown produce for very low prices) where I ran into a bit of a surprise. Nowhere could I find, in the entire grocery store, either stock or broth or bullion or consume of any flavor. None. Nadda. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

This makes my minestrone recipe, which has as primary ingredients a couple of the above options. The closest I could find was a prepackaged "beef broth soup" envelope, which was a sad substitute. I soldiered on valiantly, however, and decided that the needed flavour could be obtained with the addition of a beer (Monteith's Black Beer, if you were curious).

It was only partially successful.

Locally grown produce: A+
Improvised beer-based broth: C
Total Grade: B


CarrieP said...

I'd suggest investing in a chicken or two and taking one of your days off (and those local produce veggies) to stock up on stock.

Gabriel said...

A lack of store broth?

Curiouser and curiouser...

Is it a cultural thing, or a culinary thing or an economy thing? Please let me know if you ever figure it out.

Scott said...

I figured it out: they put the stock on the shelf under the spices. I found it while doing a thorough inventory of the spice section, trying to find what I need to make BBQ sauce for the house warming party we may be having this weekend.