Thursday, January 15, 2009

Visa's Are in the Mail!

Hello all! There was a big weight lifted off my shoulders today when I put Scott and my Visa applications in the mail. We ended up actually filling out 2 applications a piece because each of us ended up having a supplemental application for our application, and I still have one more addendum to the application that cannot be completed until I actually obtain the Student Visa. It has been a long strange trip including 3 visits to UofM Hospital (for me and 2 for Scott) to get everything squared away. We can only hope that 4ish weeks is enough time for the NZ Embassy in Washington DC to process them before we try to board our plane on February 18th.
Now I am mainly working on the cat's "passports" which requires me to go to East Lansing to the USDA Veterinarian's office. That is for next week I think. I just made them reservations at the Pussy Cat Lodge in Auckland for their quarantine stint.
Anyways, just wanted to give an update on the countdown to Auckland! Also one more amusing note, our temporary housing provided by the University of Auckland until we find a place to live is the YHA Youth Hostel in Auckland City. That should be interesting...We at least have a private far as I know...

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